About Us
Welcome to Hudson Elements —where every element of our family-owned company reflects some of our deepest passions.
From our unwavering faith in Jesus, to the cherished bonds of family, the rhythmic harmony of worship, the daily devotion of homeschool, the dedication of community within our church, and even the continual joy found playing golf — each element represents a part of our family.
Including the name Hudson.
We named our company after our second daughter, Hudson Elise. In 2012, at just 11 months old, the Lord rescued our precious baby girl from the intense cancer treatments for her incredibly rare liver cancer. Our lives would never be the same.
April 8, 2024 — on what would have been Hudson’s 13th birthday, we launched our family business in her honor. She will always be apart of our family and apart of our business.
Here, at Hudson Elements —this isn’t just a business; it’s an opportunity for us to get to live out our passions, prayerfully infusing every interaction and endeavor with the warmth and sincerity that defines our lives. For God’s glory.
A message from our family!
Hudson's Story
Hudson Elise Beisel was born a healthy, beautiful and happy baby on Friday, April 8, 2011. Hudson adored her big sister Wren (2 1/2) and spent most of her day watching, laughing, smiling and reaching for her. And oh how Wren loved her little sissy! My husband Jeff and myself, Jen, were so happy! Our dream of having a big, growing family was coming true. We felt truly blessed and loved our little girls like crazy.
Two weeks after Hudson's 6 month check up, a "bump" appeared on her upper belly. I immediately took her to the doctor who thought it was just muscle development because she sat up unassisted at an early age. But she was not smiling, at all. That was not like Hudson. I just knew my baby was not herself. A few nights later, she woke up crying like she was in pain every 1/2 hour and vomited in the middle of the night.
The next night, we took Hudson to a children's urgent care because I had this horrible feeling "something was wrong". Even though they were not concerned at all with her symptoms, the doctors there, after chatting with our pediatrician, agreed to do further testing because of my "mommy instinct". Praise You Jesus!
So, the next day we went to Nationwide Children's Hospital for an outpatient ultrasound. It was while they performed an ultrasound of her whole abdomen, they discovered Hudson had a tumor in her liver. Cancer.
Funny thing though...the bump on her belly, really was nothing. It didn't even show up on that ultrasound or the ct scan she had the next day and it was gone before chemo even started. But we believe it WAS something. We know the bump was a sign from God that they needed to look right there. First of numerous miracles God blessed us to witness with our own eyes!
We were immediately admitted into the hospital onto the cancer floor with the "probable" diagnosis of Stage 4 hepatoblastoma (very rare liver cancer which had also spread to her lungs). Was this really happening???
On November 7, 2011, our lives were "changed" forever. A "parent's worst nightmare" was now our reality. What in the world were we going to do? I was in denial. They were wrong, they HAD to be wrong. Was this really happening to US?? So surreal. I had so many emotions, every one you can think of. Most of all, I was so scared for my baby and all she was going to have to go through. I immediately began mourning our happy "perfect" life that had just existed hours before. I wanted Wren. I'm a stay at home mom and had never been away from our 1st daughter Wren except when I was in the hospital delivering Hudson. I was panicked! What were we going to do? What were we going to do??? Our world was turned upside down. Our only hope was to look up!
What I did not know at that time, was that through this immensely deep suffering we would also experience supernatural joy. Our hearts would be transformed in only the way God can move!
God truly blessed this "journey" by showing His might, performing so many miracles and by revealing His awesome glory for us ALL to witness and experience together. The outpour of support we would receive from literally around the world was incredible and honestly breath taking.
God gave Hudson "supernatural" strength! She was a FIGHTER!!! Even through the extensive treatment and countless procedures, Hudson snuggled, laughed and smiled all the time! You would have never known she was so sick, even during chemotherapy! She was so full of love. I never knew such a little baby could show love the way she showed us love.
Hudson defied expectations over and over again! One example is when the doctors said the only way to get rid of the cancer in her liver would be through a liver transplant. That was because she had a tumor that filled almost all of her liver as well as satellite tumors (spots) all over the rest of it.
Another problem was, the cancer had also already spread to her lungs. She was not allowed to be put on the donor list for a new liver because of this. The doctor's first goal was to "clear her lungs". They anticipated that to be minimally 6 cycles of chemotherapy (6 months). They were hopeful the chemo would also help shrink the tumor in her liver.
But after just 2 cycles (6 weeks) of chemotherapy, Hudson's ct scans revealed an absolute miracle! Her lungs were almost clear and the tumor in her liver had shrunk so much that a different surgery could be performed. Liver resection.
On January 23, 2012, Hudson had an 8 hour surgery to remove 40% of her liver that had the tumor in it. But while performing the surgery, the surgeon found cancer all over the inside of her whole abdomen. Good news: they got all the cancer out, bad news: different diagnosis. Malignant rhabdoid tumor of the liver. An even more rare and more vicious/aggressive cancer. Only 150 cases diagnosed nationwide each year.
New diagnosis = new chemotherapy.
Another miracle was that Hudson was not even getting the chemo she should have been getting yet she had such a miraculous response! The doctors could not believe it! Unfortunately, the new chemo was much stronger and much more toxic. But it had to be given to get rid of the cancer that was left and keep it from coming back. And since there was only microscopic cancer left, doctors feared this chemo might be too hard for her little body to handle.
On March 11, 2012, our lives were again "changed" forever. Jesus rescued our Hudson from her cancer treatment. We were there and got to hold her as she left us here on earth. Thank you Father for that precious gift. Such overwhelming grief yet miraculous comfort and relief knowing our precious baby girl was with our Savior in Heaven.
Hudson's 1st birthday fell on Easter Sunday in 2012. Such a "bittersweet" day for many reasons, but mostly "sweet"! Rejoicing in our Savior, Jesus Christ, conquering the grave so that we all have everlasting life. We praise You and thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice. We were heartbroken that we couldn’t celebrate Hudson's 1st birthday with her here on earth. But it is the ultimate comfort to know our Hudson Elise is in heaven with a perfect, healthy body and is free from all suffering.